Didn't realize there's comment section, so going to post a shortened version of my reply.
There's a premise that youtube people are creating content because they want to share knowledge. Observations say that's not their motivation, not even secondary. They create their content to generate views and engage the audience, because that's how they make money. The more controversial the content - the better it is for them, so this guy would burn this plane in a fire if only he would realize how many responses it would generate. He is not going to respond to you, because that would be admitting he's clueless. Many youtubers would ban you right there, or would label you as a "troll". He might have actually shadowbanned you already, I mean, it wouldn't be a surprise if he would.
Don't get me wrong. There are many people that record videos or write texts not expecting any return. Also, it's a hard work - try talking to a camera longer than 15 minutes while trying not to come out as an idiot and you will agree. I blame the system that rewards only particular type of content. A good example is that one very popular woodworker from UK who is now in full "inluencer" mode even though he claims he isn't.
I agree, a lot of people are just trying to get views so they can monetize their channel. Trying to engage with him was probably pretty naive on my part. Since I published this newsletter the views on that video have shot up. Which just reinforces the controversy=value mindset. Not what I was intending.
Hi Abraham, this is a very thoughtful piece. I guess you have hit upon what curators might call the responsibility to represent the full historiography of an artefact, ie all the ways if has been regarded. To some, it's just a functional tool; to others it's a link to the way of thought and lifestyle of others, both in the past and in the future. I'm with the latter, and have found myself writing a historical account of the tools in a toolbox I bought (unknowingly) from the family of a craftsman who worked on British Rail back in the '60s. What made it immediate for me was the realisation that he worked very close to my workplace in central London, and that I walked past his favourite tool-shop sites every day. Now, after a few hours of web research, I have passed his descendants a 3 pager explaining the history of the tools (some of which he had acquired from an old-timer, so they were Victorian). After a few more hours of valuable youtube research from the likes of your videos, and Pauls Seller's videos, I have a set of about 10 wonderful wooden and metal planes, and a pile of other tools, all (I hope) sensitively and adequately restored. Now I need time to go out and use them... Keep it up, love your videos, and thank you for your articles.
I believe that tools were made to be used. I don't buy 18th, 19th, or early 20th century tools as a wannabe preservationist. I buy them to work wood. The Stanley jointer from the late 19th century only sits in my plane till if I don't have wood to prepare for a project. The model I follow is that of the car show. Those folks bring old cars back to life and drive them.
I bring tools back to life and use them as intended by their makers.
In my acquisition of woodworking hand tools, I go forward with every purchase, knowing I will use them in my projects. My desire whenever I share content is to spark interest or awareness of the finer things of the craft. The hand planes of woodworking represent to me a bookmark of the progress of times past. I am no curator or expert in things woodworking (though I hope to attain some degree of competence comparable with my contemporaries in this day and age) but I feel a special love and regard in my heart for each tool I acquire, though I intend to utilize them and thus work out their intended purpose. I am of the said mindset of restoring a hand tool, whether cast iron or wooden, with as little change needed as possible. Miyamoto Musashi, a famous samurai, compared the Way of the Craftsman to the Way of the Warrior. The warrior understands the spirit and intended nature of his weapons, as a craftsman understands the spirit and nature of his tools. The treatment, handling, and care of a tool (as well as the attitude towards a craft) will be expressed in sync with the spirit of the user. It is blogs like this and channels like yours, among others, that helps guide my attitude toward better craftsmanship and a deeper respect to the nature of woodworking.
Didn't realize there's comment section, so going to post a shortened version of my reply.
There's a premise that youtube people are creating content because they want to share knowledge. Observations say that's not their motivation, not even secondary. They create their content to generate views and engage the audience, because that's how they make money. The more controversial the content - the better it is for them, so this guy would burn this plane in a fire if only he would realize how many responses it would generate. He is not going to respond to you, because that would be admitting he's clueless. Many youtubers would ban you right there, or would label you as a "troll". He might have actually shadowbanned you already, I mean, it wouldn't be a surprise if he would.
Don't get me wrong. There are many people that record videos or write texts not expecting any return. Also, it's a hard work - try talking to a camera longer than 15 minutes while trying not to come out as an idiot and you will agree. I blame the system that rewards only particular type of content. A good example is that one very popular woodworker from UK who is now in full "inluencer" mode even though he claims he isn't.
I agree, a lot of people are just trying to get views so they can monetize their channel. Trying to engage with him was probably pretty naive on my part. Since I published this newsletter the views on that video have shot up. Which just reinforces the controversy=value mindset. Not what I was intending.
Hi Abraham, this is a very thoughtful piece. I guess you have hit upon what curators might call the responsibility to represent the full historiography of an artefact, ie all the ways if has been regarded. To some, it's just a functional tool; to others it's a link to the way of thought and lifestyle of others, both in the past and in the future. I'm with the latter, and have found myself writing a historical account of the tools in a toolbox I bought (unknowingly) from the family of a craftsman who worked on British Rail back in the '60s. What made it immediate for me was the realisation that he worked very close to my workplace in central London, and that I walked past his favourite tool-shop sites every day. Now, after a few hours of web research, I have passed his descendants a 3 pager explaining the history of the tools (some of which he had acquired from an old-timer, so they were Victorian). After a few more hours of valuable youtube research from the likes of your videos, and Pauls Seller's videos, I have a set of about 10 wonderful wooden and metal planes, and a pile of other tools, all (I hope) sensitively and adequately restored. Now I need time to go out and use them... Keep it up, love your videos, and thank you for your articles.
I believe that tools were made to be used. I don't buy 18th, 19th, or early 20th century tools as a wannabe preservationist. I buy them to work wood. The Stanley jointer from the late 19th century only sits in my plane till if I don't have wood to prepare for a project. The model I follow is that of the car show. Those folks bring old cars back to life and drive them.
I bring tools back to life and use them as intended by their makers.
In my acquisition of woodworking hand tools, I go forward with every purchase, knowing I will use them in my projects. My desire whenever I share content is to spark interest or awareness of the finer things of the craft. The hand planes of woodworking represent to me a bookmark of the progress of times past. I am no curator or expert in things woodworking (though I hope to attain some degree of competence comparable with my contemporaries in this day and age) but I feel a special love and regard in my heart for each tool I acquire, though I intend to utilize them and thus work out their intended purpose. I am of the said mindset of restoring a hand tool, whether cast iron or wooden, with as little change needed as possible. Miyamoto Musashi, a famous samurai, compared the Way of the Craftsman to the Way of the Warrior. The warrior understands the spirit and intended nature of his weapons, as a craftsman understands the spirit and nature of his tools. The treatment, handling, and care of a tool (as well as the attitude towards a craft) will be expressed in sync with the spirit of the user. It is blogs like this and channels like yours, among others, that helps guide my attitude toward better craftsmanship and a deeper respect to the nature of woodworking.